

Twitter Mobile Changes

Twitter has just made important changes to its mobile version in an effort to enhance user experience. At a first glance things look more “in order” than before and with easy navigation.   The first thing you notice is the new “Home” option at the top left corner with your profile picture next to it. When...
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Why having a Strategy is Key for your Social Media Success

Social Media Strategy does not have much difference with any other strategy in your business life or personal life. If you want to achieve something you do not only have to work hard for it but you need a plan to get you there. Despite the fact that most people know this, they often underestimate...
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Social Media Fail : The Bank of Cyprus Facebook Page Launch

Bank of Cyprus has recently launched its Facebook Page marking its entrance on the most popular Social Media network. As far as we know it’s probably the biggest failure ever on launching a Facebook page and it’s coming from the biggest company in Cyprus! So why is the launching of their Facebook page a total...
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